Supernova! Little Star Weekly goes web-wide

We are very thrilled to announce that our little app, Little Star Weekly, which has been bringing a dollop of poetry and prose every Friday to the pockets of readerly iPhone and iPad users, is about to go web-wide and become visible on any internet enabled device!

On Friday we’ll post a new web page for the Weekly where this week’s issue and all our previous issues will be available through subscriptions that will work both on the web and on our app for iOS. Create a free log-in there to read bonus issues and a free Weekly Special from our archive.

• Our first issue will have a cri de coeur from Jamaica Kincaid about the Ferguson riots and a sneak peak at a work-in-progress by Kathryn Davis.

• We’ll make the brand-new Denis Johnson that we’ve been running for the last three weeks FREE to those who log in on our first day.

We are so happy to be able to spread our app to new readers and hope you will join us on this new adventure! We would like to thank our very ingenious collaborators, 29th Street Publishing and Tugboat Yards, who are working to find ways to make vital reading experiences digitally sustainable and to support writers and publishers in the electronic age.



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