Welcome John Zinsser!

Welcome to our new summer curator at Little Star Gallery, John Zinsser! Zinsser is a veteran New York painter who has had more than thirty solo exhibitions in the US and Europe. He co-founded Journal of Contemporary Art in 1987. A lecturer on contemporary exhibitions at the New School, he has also been a contributing editor at The Paris Review and The Brooklyn Rail.

Our mobile app Little Star Weekly will feature a painting selected by Zinsser each Friday through the summer. His first installment, his own painting (at our request) is out today! Subscribe here for more.

Meanwhile, have a look at some more of his work:
The Graham Gallery
Kunstgallerie Bonn
Larry Becker Contemporary Art
Philip Slein Gallery

Little Star Weekly is a mobile mini magazine of poetry, prose, art, and occasional music from Little Star.


John Zinsser, Paintings and File Studies.
James Graham and Sons, February 14–March 29, 2014



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