There’s a classic storyline that goes like this: a poor boy peeks through a chink in a wall on a nobleman’s estate. He sees the nobleman’s little boy riding a pony. From that moment on, his life is given over to one end—to get rich. He can no longer return to his former life. His existence is poisoned by having been initiated into a mystery.
I, too, looked through a chink. Only what I saw as not riches, but the truth.
I was shaken by the depth and variety of life. I saw how low a man could fall, and how high he was able to rise.
For the first time, I understood what freedom is, and cruelty and violence. I saw freedom behind bars, cruelty as senseless as poetry, violence as common as dampness.
I saw a man who had been completely reduced to an animal state. I saw what he could be gladdened by. And it seemed to me that my eyes opened.